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Parenting - and all that pressure

Ive been pondering lately about all the parenting styles and all the usual questions "Am i doing this right? " and "Please don't let me screw up my kid". I have Miss18, who has recently made me a grandmother (if you have nothing nice to say then don't bother saying it), and Mr11. Miss18 is your typical entitled, temperamental, bossy, over dramatic near- adult.  She and her bf (a.k.a the idiot) separated almost 10 months after my moko was born. She has always done things the HARD way. If there was a race to get an elephant up a hill,  she would push while the rest of us rode the elephant ( I blame her father's dna). Mr11 is a clever little challenge. His father, who is the love of my life when he isnt annoying, has old fashioned ideas about the way men should treat the women in his life *sigh*. My sons father has taught Mr11 to open doors for ladies, carry luggage/shopping and all that kind of good stuff. Obviously none of that applies to his sister

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